Required input
Basic data

Which year did you (first) attend the Metasysteme Coaching Fundamentals or METACOACH training ?

Click this box if you attended the Coaching Fundamentals program by Metasysteme

Click this box if you attended the METACOACH program by Metasysteme

Click this box if you attended a Supervision Marathon by Metasysteme

Select your higher certification only !

Check this if you passed the additional ACTC certification !

Additional information

Please specify what kind of coaching you offer !

I have read the information provided by Metasysteme. I declare my consent to the processing of these data in the strict Metasysteme Alumni Network environment. My data will be stored exclusively for the purposes of the Metasysteme Alumni Network and its members. I will not copy personal data from other members and use personal data for other purposes than the ones strickly agreed by these members. Any failure to respect other members' personal data will result in immediate and irrevocable banning. 

Check this box if you agree for Metasysteme to include your name and website URL in the Systemic Coach Search on Metasysteme Website online. We will not give you email or telephone number to anyone. We will only show your name, location and profile and website, LinkedIn and Calendly URLs in the case you agree to be included in the Systemic Coach Search. People then can use our internal form to reach out to you and you can choose to answer (or not).

Confirm value